Our Factory
In our quest to be environmentally responsible, we have transformed our company to green business practices -- reduce, reuse and recycle. The major element of our initiative is to recover and recycle scrap and aftermarket fused quartz products, thereby, conserving the earth’s natural resources. We not only use our in-house generated scrap but also use scrap supplied to us by other manufacturers of fused quartz. The scrap materials are recycled into semiconductor grade fused quartz feed stock through a reduction and purification process. Reduction or comminution is performed by milling and purification is achieved chemically.
Thereafter, the feed stock is shaped and sintered into a variety of high performance fused quartz products. Please note that our material properties (chemical, physical and thermal) have not been compromised by our recycling program – both product properties and performance are equal to or better than conventionally manufactured fused quartz – this we guarantee. Product pricing is also competitive.
Except for microscope slides, cover slips and windows, all of our products are manufactured using 100% recycled materials and are designated by our green product label (shown at left).
Further, we encourage our customers to return end-of-life products for our recycling rather than disposing of them and adding them to our landfills. At this time, we know of no other fused quartz company which follows the same practice of recycling to replace virgin quartz-bearing raw materials. We pledge to continue our research efforts to find additional ways to be Earth friendly.
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